Kamis, 17 November 2011

Ice Cream Goreng (unix)

In Chinese cuisine, there is an abundance of unusual paradoxes. One of such exotic dishes is the fried ice cream. So let’s see how to perform this culinary trick.

The recipe is very simple. The ingredients will be:
* Ice cream;
* Coconut shavings;
* 3 eggs;
* Breadcrumbs.
1How to Make a Fried Ice Cream
First, you need to set your freezer at the lowest temperature, as you will need to freeze your ice cream very hard so that is as hard stone.
Before you take out your ice cream, prepare the ingredients and beat the eggs.
2How to Make a Fried Ice Cream
Take the ice cream out and cut it into portions.
3How to Make a Fried Ice Cream
Then quickly put the ingredients on each portion. First, put the coconut shavings, plunge the ice cream into the beaten eggs and then roll them in the breadcrumbs.
4How to Make a Fried Ice Cream
Put all portions of ice cream on a chilled plate and then put the plate in the freezer.
About half an hour later, take it out for the last step of cooking – frying the ice cream.
Heat the sunflower oil in a pan and put the portions of frozen ice cream there.
Do it very quickly, fry the portion about 20 seconds on each side.
5How to Make a Fried Ice Cream
During this time, the ice cream inside doesn’t have time to melt. It makes the desert hot on outside and cold inside.
6How to Make a Fried Ice Cream
Then serve it to your friends and enjoy!
7How to Make a Fried Ice Cream

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